Allstarlink cop commands. conf I have added: gpio1=out0 That part seems to work.

  • Allstarlink cop commands. Aug 30, 2022 · Attached is my rpt.
    To select this mode, the value for parrotmode should be set to 1 in the node stanza: parrotmode=1 Parrot Always Nov 4, 2023 · this may have been covered somewhere but i cannot find it anywhere is it possible to get the node to dekey the repeater when local r. When I enter the dtmf for the cop=56 function the controller talks back "rx pl ena", so I know the function is working. * 2 - System enable. conf file. So far, the system is providing top-notch performance in every aspect. com wrote: Thanks for the suggestion on the COP commands I am unfamiliar on how to use these via the CLI. Set to a value between 180 and 2000000 seconds. rpt cmd 2211 cop 61 pp4=1. include then delete or comment out all the commands in the stanza and replace with this line “ #include commands. Aug 10, 2013 · With cop 58 enabled, am I to assume any receive path to the transmitter will enable the CTCSS encoder as long as the receive path is active? AllStarLink Discussion Groups Cop 58 Command questions Aug 30, 2016 · Sent this on Sunday. The custom functions I have defined work when sent to my radio over RF. and the network drops but not the repeater on local rf Aug 27, 2022 · 2 Systems - USB Radio - DSP Carrier and DSP Tone decode. Send # to exit command mode, and restore local command decoding. I’ve tried the syntax you suggested: rpt cmd 2211 cop 61 pp4=1. https://wiki. I was trying to follow some older instruction by adding two more lines in the rpt. 951 = cop,51 ; Enable sleep mode 952 = cop,52 ; Disable sleep mode 953 = cop,53 ; Wake up from sleep 954 = cop,54 ; Go to sleep idtime = 300000 ; id interval time (in ms) (optional) Default 5 minutes (300000 ms) politeid = 30000 ; time in milliseconds before ID timer expires to try and ID in the tail. It showed “KILLED”, and then stopped decoding radio commands. i. in the commands. Find on the page above all the mentions of “controlstates”. * cop (control operator) cmds: * * 1 - System warm boot. I was experimenting with COP commands and noticed a possible fault. rpt cmd 2000 ilink 3 2001. Oct 21, 2022 · Folks, I have SHARI PiHat running HAMVoIP, so far everything works. As you would with typical repeater controller. org beta software. 9400=cop,34 ; Local Telemetry Output Disable 9401=cop,33 ; Local Jun 13, 2018 · When using cop 61 or 62 to change gpio states can you change more than one pin with the same command or do you have to break it out as one pin at a time? Example: cop,61,GPIO1=0,GPIO4=1,GPIO5=1 Jan 5, 2018 · in rpt. Oct 11, 2021 · Cop 33 telem on Cop 34 telem off. Jan 18, 2014 · <details><summary>···</summary>Robert, Te stop hearing remote telemetry you just need to disable it. conf means that when the touch tone function *3 is received the app_rpt command ilink 3 is executed, which, of course is the connect command. c Attached a pdf of same. Mar 14, 2021 · AllStarLink is typically used in these ways: Via a FM repeater that is AllStarLink enabled. Use (winSCP) to copy the COP 47 is used to reset the "Link Config Changed" Flag. CONF files found in /etc/asterisk/ Many thanks in advance. Jan 26, 2011 · Thanks to Jim, my aux ports are working now! The PP must be uppercase, as in the examples below: rpt cmd 2211 cop 61,PP4=1 0 ; Parallel Port 4 high rpt cmd 2211 cop 61,PP4=0 0 ; Parallel Port 4 low rpt cmd 2211 cop 61,PP5=1 0 ; Parallel Port 5 high rpt cmd 2211 cop 61,PP5=0 0 ; Parallel Port 5 low 73, Kyle K0KN <details><summary>···</summary>— Original Message — Ok, I have the answer Apr 13, 2018 · I just set up Allstar as repeater controller for the 1st time. My router is set for port 4570 UDP. 999=cop,7. Once parrot mode is enabled, then all received signals will be parroted until parrot mode is disabled. 0 rev 6 beta… Thanks again, steve nu5d Jan 5, 2018 · Can some one point me to a listing of every available command defined that can used with Allstar. 01 of the software. Command mode means send all received DTMF digits to the node number specified (bypassing the local command decoder). In simpleusb. I would like for users connected to my node to be able to use these custom DTMF functions via supermon or by dialing them on their radio. In your [functions] you would add something like: 930=cop,3 ; System disable. Then do *40 to enter the command mode. Jan 2, 2011 · Could someone direct me to where we can find a complete list of the cop commands. But DTMF’s are not decode or encoding. conf under the functions stanza. include then delete or comment out all the commands in the stanza and replace with this line “#include commands. 73, John M0JCA/EA5JAV Mar 29, 2019 · Greetings all, I’m making my first attempt at using GPIO and I appear to be missing something. 931=cop,2 ; System enable Jan 25, 2011 · Besides that, I’ve had no success trying to use COP 61 or 62 to control my pp4,5,6. conf are touch tone pointers to the underlying command structure of app_rpt. Other than that, all makes sense and seems to perform well. lnkactmacro= This is the function to execute when the activity timer expires. Here is a list of all available COP Commands. 2) Is there a reason this … Aug 5, 2022 · Is there a function that would allow me to send a *902 command to the Pi over a Putty connection? When logged in and at the Asterisk CLI the command is rpt fun <your node#> *902 . I am aware of COP,1 to warm boot asterisk. I can change the output pins from low to high and back by changing these commands from out0 to out1 and back. . org/wiki/Rpt. 1/2021-ve3wzw. pdf (27 KB). conf, it can still be enabled with the COP command. Jun 10, 2023 · COP Commands. Monitor mode means listen to a node, but do not send any audio to it 4. timeout. Node admins may provide some of these to their user community based on personal preference. You could disable some things and allow others with control states. *1 node Disconnect Link. 42. Using ASL as a repeater controller on one, and as a simplex node on the other. *3 node Connect link in transcieve mode. conf file and turn Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable. (default = 1);beaconing = 0 ; Send ID regardless of repeater activity Dec 11, 2019 · So, one more thing for clarity…cop,48 appears to be purely a tone mixer, with the ability to pass two tones. c:4096 __auto_congest: Auto May 15, 2020 · Greetings folks! Just built up a repeater and all is working as it should. com Call Sign N9GMR IRLP 4515 EchoLink 640860 Allstar 28142 ··· On Jan 20, 2012, at 1:21 AM, Bradley Haney wrote: what is the path to get to the long config file for the rpt so i can set up more DTMF functions and such along with echolink announcements? Apr 25, 2022 · I am not looking for opinions, I am looking for technical facts. "rpt cmd [node number] cop 48 1,2,3 would send DTMF 123. Jan 25, 2019 · Another example would be the cop function class used for control operator functions. Question: Is there a common practice for failing various individual receivers via DTMF command? I imagine this would be of great use for a number of Apr 6, 2023 · You can select if you want only to announce local telemetry or the foreign telemetry included, just with those cop commands I pointed to. Example: CLI> rpt cmd 2535 cop 1 0 The above command is a warm boot. Controlled through DTMF commands, via the internet, or an autopatch. conf cop,62 Basic Allstar Commands AllStar adds and removes links based on DTMF commands starting with a * (star) *3<NODE> Connect a node *1<NODE> Disconnect a node *70 Announce all connected nodes *76 Disconnect all nodes *82 Very inefficient way to find out the current time Jan 25, 2019 · Another example would be the cop function class used for control operator functions. conf which to all scrutinizing viewers appears to be correct. ? Jun 1, 2023 · 0 = telemetry output off, 1 = telemetry output on, 2 = timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter, 3 = follow local telemetry mode 2 echolinkdynamic 0 = disallow users to change current echolink telemetry setting with a COP command, 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command 1 (cop,63,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR]) 64 - Send pre-configred APRSTT notification, quietly (cop,64,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR]) 65 - Send POCSAG page (equipped channel types only) ILINK Commands: 1 - Disconnect specified link 2 - Connect specified link -- monitor only 3 - Connect specified link -- tranceive 4 - Enter command mode on specified link 5 - System status Nov 4, 2023 · sorry mike. You could change what *3 does, although that would be ill Jul 17, 2014 · I have seen many posts here about linking repeater via rf into all star I would like to do the same thing here where I live there is repeaters close by that I would like to link them into my repeater however it seems that my problem has come up with ensuring proper Id by the link radio. Poff Jan 11, 2017 · The system is in final test on the bench with a laptop SSH’d in over the local LAN. Kyle K0KN--- Original Message --- 2. On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:04 AM, Robert A. 168. Were wanting to enable/disable RX audio on a URL if possible. app_rpt_comments. ··· – Tim:wq. When I attempt … KF5VH-AS1*CLI> rpt cmd 42316 cop 32 1234# from "asterisk -rvvvvvvv" there is no diagnostic output and no Mar 14, 2021 · AllStarLink is typically used in these ways: Via a FM repeater that is AllStarLink enabled. Thanks! Ted KD4EG Jul 31, 2013 · Leave the # off and it will stay in command mode. f. Setup macro for cop commands if not already in the file. I am have a heck of a time trying to configure my nodes so everything is all the same commands on all my nodes. Pretty much working out okay the only thing I was unable to get to work is the COS LED. * 3 - System disable. Nov 21, 2023 · Cop 48 is the “Send Page Tone” command. 1=355555455555 Also you can do this shortcut. (default = 1);beaconing = 0 ; Send ID regardless of repeater activity May 13, 2021 · Marcro is not assignable. For example 3 = ilink,3 in the functions stanza of rpt. conf, (cut and paste ) the [functions] stanza to a seperate file labeled commands. com Call Sign N9GMR IRLP 4515 EchoLink 640860 Allstar 28142 ··· On Jan 20, 2012, at 1:21 AM, Bradley Haney wrote: what is the path to get to the long config file for the rpt so i can set up more DTMF functions and such along with echolink announcements? ; 2 = timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter. Sep 8, 2013 · This works by connecting to the node that has propagate_dtmf=yes (node 29876 in your case). Jul 28, 2014 · What is COP 17 and 18? It says that it can do this : does that mean that it can do this. *4 node Enter command mode on a remote node. lnkacttime= This sets the amount of time to wait before executing the inactivity macro. 0 beta 6 image instead. Monty ··· On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Travis Best w3tmb1@gmail. I have *0 working just fine for unkeying, *0# is easy to send from a voip phone to unkey, and nice to know that you were successful in unkeying, now I want to know my *99 was accepted, so I am looking for the location of the cop Feb 17, 2016 · 1) the full list of COP comands, the list of parameters for each, and how they interact 2) the full list of ILINK commands, the list of parameters for each, and how they interact 3) the steps necessary to build custom macros (for an RF or IAX or SIP user) If the document doesn't exist, does anyone have a fancy but well documented set of CONF May 15, 2020 · But I am not clear any of these commands will shut down the RF hardware due to a malfunction. The only thing I see is disable all incoming connections. Now I would like to setup a schedule to play the skywarn activated message when I activate it with a *980 and play once every 10 minutes until I enter another *981 to stop the skywarn is activated message. The zero is an app_rpt shortcut meaning the last node used node number. Feb 19, 2018 · on command execution and for a short time thereafter. Node number zero (0) is shorthand for the last node operated on by a previous command 3. Thanks in advance - ASL 2. I have ran into many walls, and am getting annoyed at the limits. and the network drops but not the repeater on local rf Jan 16, 2024 · There are a number of ways to approach this. Gotta be missing something. I’m going to assume it was the latter, as I’ve read helpful posts from you in the past. Here is a list of all available COP Commands 1/2018 * cop (control operator) cmds: ** 1 - System warm boot * 2 - System enable * 3 - System disable * 4 - Test Tone On/Off * 5 - Dump System Variables on Console (debug) * 6 - PTT (phone mode only) * 7 - Time out timer enable * 8 - Time out timer disable * 9 - Autopatch enable * 10 - Autopatch disable Mar 26, 2015 · Two questions: 1) Is there a way to perform a command line "reboot" from a radio using DTMF? It seems the COP are for controlling within Asterisk. Control operator (functionclass 'cop') commands are privileged commands. Add these lines to your rpt. First, why can’t I have custom remote commands that run a shell script? I have written my own shell scripts that steer my radio to where I want it to go, because cop commands are not valid in a function-remote stanza, I have had to set up my entire node as a standard Jun 29, 2019 · Does a standard list of the DTMF commands used for ALLSTAR exist? I’ve spent the better part of the last 2 days trying to find a simple list of the ALLSTAR DTMF commands for access VIA RADIO (something I thought this was all about). If you are using winscp for editing, you can use the ‘find’ feature in the file to find cop,7. Notice only the context name is different than the zoiper example above. COP Commands « The Midnight Engineer. I want to use the event manager to send those 2 command when one input from my URI is switching state. The node registers fine on Allstarlink. Thanks. 2 Outboud CLI message: NOTICE[599]: chan_iax2. 73 Jul 27, 2013 · I have tryed for a long time (at least 2 full days ) to get the COP 48 function to work with no success… this would be very usefull to be used to send tones to open a link on the old dtmf controlled Quebec vhf net consisting of many repeaters linked in the Province of Quebec , from an Asterisk point of connection… Does somebody had success with that command , if so , please help me , I Jul 26, 2010 · Does anyone have a list of Command line interface stuff specifically how to control the node from the command line. Apr 27, 2016 · Brett: Thank you for the suggestion. It does not turn on when COS signal is detected. One of things I enjoy about app_rpt is that there are multiple ways to accomplish things. include” THEN put all the commands YOU want above and beyond what is required to be standard across everyones nodes 1-5 ilink etc. This is useful for implementing macros where you want to change the link state without arming the activity timer. conf I have added: 961 = cop,61,gpio1=1 966 = cop,61,gpio1=0 Sending dtmf *961 or *966 I get a function complete Nov 8, 2021 · I’m no dummy, I’ve done MS networking for decades, a broadcast engineer and telecom guy…but Asterisk is new to me…and I bet a lot more like me would appreciate a sample of commands, etc…just saying go read “this” doesn’t cut it…,to me it’s totally insulting to new members who want to learn but don’t get told in an example I use both flavors of Allstar (Hamvoip and the original from allstarlink. Also, I am not clear on how to use the COP commands. Travis Dec 27, 2012 · I’m compelled to reply on the subject, as I posted the original message. Aug 30, 2022 · Attached is my rpt. From then on any touch tones (except * and #) will pas out the TX. On one of my test nodes I uncommented (removed the leading semi-colon from) this line :;901 = cop,1 Then, I restarted asterisk with : sudo astres. Control IO for example to remove power from the transmitter. Skyler KDØWHB Nov 21, 2023 · Cop 48 is the “Send Page Tone” command. *2 node Connect link in monitor mode. I guess it could possibly be coded to do more, although there would be no real need beyond two tones; nothing pages with three or more simultaneous tones that I’m aware of. This gives app_rpt unmatched flexibility. If you are worried about the security of macro’s… Dec 11, 2019 · So, one more thing for clarity…cop,48 appears to be purely a tone mixer, with the ability to pass two tones. Apr 30, 2021 · These are the mandatory command codes which all Allstar Link nodes must support to provide command code consistency to the users. com wrote: Hi Nov 4, 2023 · I am using a Repeater-Builder node connected to an RC-210 controller. No answer yet… Is it that complex? <details><summary>···</summary>From: Pierre Martel Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2016 7:13 AM To: APP RPT Subject: cop command 2 and 3 disable enable Hi I am working on a project to interface an allstar node on a multimode digital repeater based on the MMDVM This would woould create a multimode fm,dtsar,fusion and dmr repeater system. e. You can create a script or macro to send tones or do it from the command line. Say a Link is Up and I want to take it down or put up a link from the command line, I hunted around and didn’t find anything on it, sorry if its posted already somewhere however I have only looked a few months Jan 25, 2011 · You do not have to assign a dtmf. I have some questions. Chuck_Wittig August 6, 2022, 2:53pm Jan 20, 2012 · You have to add a lot of functions, especially the COP commands. conf - AllStarLink Wiki. Am I missing something? Could COP commands be added to enable and disable Echolink incoming connections? Matt Roberts n9gmr@me. Then either make each node have telemetry off with it’s startup script, -OR- send a remote command to (each) node to shut telemetry off (with pre-added cop 34), do your connects, then send a remote command to turn on telemetry (with a pre-added cop 35 or cop 33). Asterisk has command line help. Notice the trailing 0 is needed to satisfy the command interpreter but has no meaning. Find “inxlat” on above page. (default = 1);beaconing = 0 ; Send ID regardless of repeater activity (Required in the UK, but probably illegal in the US) Jan 20, 2012 · You have to add a lot of functions, especially the COP commands. The autopatchup method is a good example of this: 6=autopatchup,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1,dialtime=20000 Jan 5, 2018 · in rpt. Dec 30, 2014 · Look into cop 2 and 3. continues to TX and repeat as if no TOT the node does announce node 54318 time out. Matt Roberts n9gmr@me. 0,0. May 30, 2016 · I really like the features of the remote base on app_rpt. Ideally, it would be nice if it would just allow the Jan 5, 2018 · in rpt. telemdynamic = 1 ; 0 = disallow users to change the local telemetry setting with a COP command, ; 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command. ··· – Tim. [548272] ; Change this to your assigned node number ; CHANNEL DRIVER SETTINGS ; Define a channel driver to use and which ; interface within that channel Aug 5, 2013 · Hello Group, I have recently configured and deployed a simple split-site voted repeater using app_rpt and three RTCMs: two for a pair of receivers, and one for the transmitter. I’ve also tried every other thing I could think of, including: rpt cmd 2211 cop 61 pp4=1,0. conf I have added: gpio1=out0 That part seems to work. my hub node looks like this and I think these were defaults with version 1. I am using a RIM-Lite node connected to an RC-210 controller which is in turn connected to a Bridgecom BCR repeater. The FOB TX light locked on. Then press # to exit command mode and then (*10 to) disconnect. * 5 - Dump System Variables on Console (debug) * 6 - PTT (phone mode only) * 7 - Time out timer enable. 17 - User functions (time, id, etc) enable. this will be connected to the MMDVM and it will prevent the tx or false rx when the DVMDM is taking control of the repeater. Next, I have been searching how to use DTMF to shut down the repeater if necessary. i know about the node TOT it is actually set to 180000 but my local repeater r. sh Then, to test the function I exec’d : Sep 6, 2011 · Send a command to a node. Sample: 99 = cop,7 ; enable timeout timer Some COP commands can take multiple parameters. org and receives DNS updates. org) Hamvoip is a fork from the original Allstar program [Some commands may be different] Just click on the item and you should be brought to the bookmark below. Additionally, instead of or in addition to a method number, the function class itself might accept additional arguments for customizing how it behaves. I am not sure how to use Scheduler Enable COP 15 and Scheduler Disable COP 16 and have not May 14, 2015 · What I am actually trying to be able to do is to enable/disable Rx CTCSS from dtmf commands. You’ll see how to setup: Wiring the Maxtrac; Autopatch; Changing courtesy tones; Sip Phone; Echolink; Cron Oct 30, 2022 · your commands are not likely the same as mine but find it in your rpt. Jun 5, 2021 · Hello, I connect to allstar via Raspberry PI’s running DVSwitch and RF with bridge to Echolink, can anyone advise how I switch off voice notifications telling me when nodes connect or disconnect please, can’t see option in any menu, assume it’s in one of the many . Then from CLI type: rpt fun *998. Mar 5, 2023 · I have setup a *925 to play a skywarn activated message and that works good in Hamvoip software. Robert A. The autopatchup method is a good example of this: 6=autopatchup,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1,dialtime=20000 Nov 12, 2014 · Here’s some more example control panel commands that aren’t in the current sample file: labels[] = “Local Telemetry Output Enable” cmds[] = “rpt cmd %node% cop 33 xxx” Mar 10, 2022 · AllStarLink Discussion Groups 0= t off - 1=t on - 2=on after command and shortly afterwards. Jul 2, 2012 · 998=cop,2. rpt cmd 2211 cop 62 pp4=32767. I need the radio to only ID when it transmit I have found so far that Duplex=0 does not work for this set up Nov 6, 2023 · sorry mike. 900 = cop,48,#,3,#,6,0,7 Apr 3, 2023 · Cop 48 is the “Send Page Tone” command. On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 3:49 PM, gregory dropbox@digitalattack. There are also Aug 28, 2016 · So in order to make this work I need to know how the cop 2 and 3 command works. Perhaps this old link may give you a better picture and it may not be completely correct. COP 58 seems to have no effect - other COP functions OK (test tone)… I really don’t want sub tone sent during the hang time. However, I am trying to move away from ARCH Linux by installing ASL 2. Here’s a sample CLI command showing the dialplan for the context called wd6awp. Additionally, the hardware consists of an RPI 4B running Allstarlink. 900 = cop,48,#,3,#,6,0,7 Apr 25, 2019 · You can see the dialplan with the Asterisk CLI command dialplan show or just the context within the dial plan with dialplan show zoiper. As such, looking for information on how to do this. Sending COP *901 warm boot locks up the FOB in TX! I watched the CLI while sending *901 from a radio. In rpt. When users connect they can enter command mode howver none of the pre-defined or custom . 18 - User functions (time, id, etc) disable. May 3, 2016 · (cop,63,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR]) 64 – Send pre-configred APRSTT notification, quietly (cop,64,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR]) 65 – Send POCSAG page (equipped channel types only) ILINK Commands: 1 – Disconnect specified link 2 – Connect specified link — monitor only 3 – Connect specified link — tranceive 4 – Enter command mode on specified link Jul 9, 2024 · I am running ASL3 on a Dell WYSE 3040 and I have several cop functions un-commented. And you should see a separate set for echolink in the rpt. They function as intended except cop,1 system warm boot does not work. 999=cop,3. include file. 936 = cop,36 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable 937 = cop,37 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable 938 = cop,38 ; Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry Jun 10, 2023 · COP Commands. I have done a few simplex setups. We seem to be having a issue on the RF side of something getting into the reciever. You could change the beginning of all commands from * (a star) to * (a star) plus a prefix like *123. telemdynamic = 1 ; 0 = disallow users to change the local telemetry setting with a COP command,; 1 = Allow users to change the setting with a COP command. Jan 11, 2022 · A simple example command structure for using all 8 PP pins for output switches: 98910=cop,61,pp1=0 ;pport pin 1 off 98911=cop,61,pp1=1 ;pport pin 1 on May 22, 2019 · I have some custom functions defined on my node. (propagate_dtmf and pager tone using COP 48) Our goal is: hit #123 on any repeater to Allstar, for #123 to come out intact on every port, including ASL endpoints (places where an RTCM (ASL node) is connected to a controller port. it is ‘user command’ *5 always. Jan 10, 2018 · in rpt. conf, restart Asterisk, and retry? 1234 = cop,61,PP4=1 ; Turn on pp4 Thanks. com Call Sign N9GMR IRLP 4515 EchoLink 640860 Allstar 28142 Jan 10, 2018 · The functions in rpt. 2535 is my node number. Apr 11, 2012 · I looked through the list of COP commands, and I can't find one to disable Echolink incoming connections. -- Tim :*wq* Dec 9, 2023 · Check the cop command for your DTMF. Jan 5, 2018 · in rpt. yes 5 = macro but not equal to ilink,5… macro is not even in the ilink command set. allstarlink. * 4 - Test Tone On/Off. For example this COP 48 would send #3#607 on command. On Sep 8, 2013, at 10:03 AM, C B harvard5362@yahoo. Why does the courtesy tone follow the hangtime? Shouldn't it come after the station unkeys? Is the cwid speed capped at 20WPM? I know the rules about it but if I try setting higher, nothing changes. would that solve my problem? I would use COP 17 to enable and COP 18 to disable. I don’t need to know how to set up a node or a server - I DON’T WANT TO DO ANY OF THOSE THINGS! May 18, 2017 · That’s in the source code at the top of app_rpt. Type "rpt cmd" and press enter will show options. [functions] it may read [functions28183] 901=cop,33 ; Local telemetry output enabled 902=cop,34 ; Local telemetry output disabled 903=cop,35 ; Local telemetry output timed Remote (when anybody connects/disconnects from xxxxx Only Jan 20, 2021 · Note: If the activity timer is disabled in rpt. This flag is set whenever a user connects or disconnects a link. ; my node number is 548272. Via a local micro-node that is purchased by a HAM operator to join the AllStarLink network; Via PC/Mac software that allows you to connect directly to a node. Poff WB3AWJ wrote: From the CLI, is there a way to execute COP commands that do not have a DTMF function associated? Also what’s the difference between “rpt fun” and “rpt fun1” ? Thanks. Greg ; 2 = timed telemetry output on command execution and for a short time thereafter. DHCP; IP address 192. rpt config file telemdefault= 0 off 1 on. Look in the file and be sure that cop7 has not yet been defined before you add the new. Nov 4, 2019 · Hello- We have tried 2 different methods to pass DTMF over our repeater system to control our SRS controllers. Look at Rpt. Jan 26, 2019 · Parrot On Command This mode allows two COP commands to be used to enable parrot mode, and disable parrot mode. I have configured a function for the cop=56(Rx CTCSS enable) and cop=57(Rx CTCSS disable) commands. replace with cop. conf#COP_Commands Nov 25, 2020 · Hi Adrian, Just add the cop 34 to the [functions] on each node; so, it is available. f is going in or do i need to set up the repeater to do the local r. I Jan 25, 2011 · Hello, I’m wondering if there is a way to manually issue a COP command? I’ve tried to issue it from the CLI> prompt, but so far no luck… I have been working on my DTMF commands, and after the below commands didn’t work, I wanted to check the syntax… Is it possible, or do I have to assign a DTMF in rpt. I want to add a cw character when the *99 keyup command actually is successful from a voip phone. org wrote: AllstarLink all available COP Commands. I am able to receive incoming connections. I am guessing this would be from the ‘asterisk -r’ command line. May 15, 2020 · COP command 3. It’s unclear to me if your response was intended to be brusque, or if perhaps that was just due to the nature of email. Oct 10, 2023 · if that points to cop,7. lzer eviw dyye hbvwl dleivye xgw gtfncj kfecf dbzc kteh