Sdruno decimation • Cancelling wav file open window on start-up allowed SDRuno to continue to open with no Many thanks to Jon Hudson with SDRplay who shares the following information about the latest release of SDRuno on the SDRplay blog: Try out the new features in SDRuno V1. com/rspdx/https://www. In Dear group Last year (and recently) I wrote and adapted some plugins for the SDRuno environment. But you'll be closer to where you need to be, so it Thanks, I tried to reproduce the issue of not being able to select WFM or SFM. That is a myth. From the tenor in another thread, it's not clear whether SDRplay is continuing to support the use of newer versions of SDRuno with older RSP hardware both sampling at 10MHz and decimation at 1. Quiet a reduction in CPU loading, and very good news for those with older and slower PC's like mine. • Main panel ExtIO plugin for Winrad/HDSDR connecting to librtlsdr's rtl_tcp - hayguen/extio_rtl_tcp 6 SDRuno Cookbook V1. This release addresses a number of usability issues and bug fixes as well as implementing some new features. SDRSharp is set to USB mode, 2400 bandwidth, sample rate 768 ksps, AGC off, IF noise blanker on. SDRuno is also compatible with the RTL-SDR. • Two extra zoom levels for the SP2 panel. The SDRplay RSPDuo is a 14-bit dual tuner software defined radio capable of tuning between 1 kHz - 2 GHz. 192 MHz sample rate and decimation 4, this will suffice for most if not all things you want to receive with the RSP, and you will never encounter issues with the center DC spike. Part of it will be done by the half band filters in SDRuno, the resulting decimation is dome in the plugin implementation. He writes: In this video I am presenting Airspy+SDR# vs SDRplay+SDRuno in the real world, receiving very weak FM Over on his sdr4everyone blog author Akos has uploaded a tutorial that shows how to set up the recently released SDRUno with the RTL-SDR. Does anyone else have issues with SDRUno stuttering? ~15% and any sample rate/decimation, and results in gaps in the saved samples when I'm recording raw IQ. This should give a visible span of about 2 MHz. What I've noticed is as I increase Decimation, the tuning indicator moves to the right in the Main SP panel. Use high-quality SDR software like HDSDR now also on LINUX! Auto-Q: The RTLSDR stick automatically switches to direct sampling (Q channel) for frequencies below 24. One of the main drawbacks of the RSP has been that it SDRuno v. I have reported this issue but since I was not able to identify a trigger, it is unclear if it will get fixed. I would SDRuno can be reset back to default state. 1. Version 1. What's also very interesting is their road map which states that future versions of SDRuno will have In one of his latest YouTube videos, Manuel Lausmann has been testing the RTL-SDR Blog V4 on SDRuno. Forum rules. Resource linkshttps://www. A single tuner at 10 MHz bandwidth needs about 35% CPU with SDRuno 1. I was playing around with decimation ADC resolution increased to 14-bit native for sample rates below 6 MHz, increasing to 16 bits with decimation. It includes the much requested full scheduler facility which allows you to set up numerous recording events for your RSP. This will give you access to the Sample Rate (SR) and Decimation boxes. provided by the SDRuno framework, a data stream with a rate of 192000. 96 Over on YouTube two new videos comparing the reception on the SDRplay and Airspy have been uploaded. I think this is related to bandwidth - the receiver bandwidth must be greater than the demodulator bandwidth. SDRUno is set to USB mode, Wide BW Noise Blanker, Noise Reductor on, 2800 selectivity filter, decimation 8. This is to fix the ini file corruption issue we posted about recently, but it also introduces some new features and more plugin functionality. D. 5 KHz, remaining ltering and decimation is done in the weatherfax plugin itself. Uploaded by While I've got some attention here, I noticed that the ability to choose decimation has disappeared. What's also very interesting is their road map which states that future versions of SDRuno will have The SDRuno software can provide a samplerate of 62. • Cancelling wav file open window on start-up allowed SDRuno to continue to open with no input. Over on his sdr4everyone blog author Akos has uploaded a tutorial that shows how to set up the recently released SDRUno with the RTL-SDR. SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay line of low cost software defined radio devices. The commonly found RTL-SDR ExtIO however doesn't Decimation, An Observation Mike Bott #6465 . 41 of their SDRUno software platform. 072 ppm The final decimation is to 375 samples/second (We start here with 192000, the SDRplay will send 2000000 Samples/second to the SDRuno framewirk). The SDRuno setting is then to a samplerate of 2 MHz, and a decimation factor 32. com/https://www. Activating decimation in FM band What I see is decimation from 2 to 16 acts like a "zoom" in the total span previously selected (2 to 10Mhz). 8 MHz) and a Decimation factor (DEC) of 8. Installing the plugin READ THIS FIRST. I got the idea behind decimation and I was curious to see / hear improvements in signal / SNR. A decimation of 16 is the largest number I can select and stay on frequency At the beginning of November, SDRplay Released version 5 of their SDRconnect software. I have tried closing all windows and completely freeing up CPU, GPU, and Nevertheless, since I am an enthousiastic user of the SDRplay devices, and the plugin interface for plugins in SDRuno is reasonably easy, I converted some of the decoders that were written have (in theory) a bandwidth of less than 50 Hz, and DRM takes 10 KHz, so even for 192000 additional filtering and decimation is required. Hi All, here you have the latest stable version of SDRuno ver. We asked SDRplay how 14-bits was achieved with the same chips used by the RSP1 and they explained that it is through oversampling and decimation onboard the chip. June 14, 2020 at 1:04 pm #1090. 1 which contains various new features and bug fixes for the RSP. We consider it and it's competitors the Airspy R2/Mini to be the best next step up from an RTL-SDR. 12 I can only get a maximum of 1024 kHz with the SR set to 8. Post by Sunking » SDRuno 1. 4 of SDRuno (at the time of writing, a very stable “RC4” version 1. 3. If you leave the IF bandwidth at 8 Bandwidth is based not only on the default bandwidth but also decimation which changes the sample rate. SDRuno is a complex piece of software with many features and settings, so it's great to see a comprehensive video tutorial like this. SDRuno 1. Keypad buttons now not only take you to the specified band, but the sample rate and decimation are changed to enable “band framing” 6 SDRuno Cookbook V1. From the cookbook it appears that SDRuno is also compatible with any SDR that supports ExtIO modules, like the RTL-SDR, although as noted in the press release functionality for other radios may be reduced. SR – Sample Rate for Sound Card Input when not using RSP or ExtIO radio REC PANEL - This brings up the record panel Starting with Windows XP, all the following work well with SDRuno: W7, W8 & W10. Good luck in your experiments !!! « Unfortunately in any given condition I found that raising the Decimation can appreciably reduce the sensitivity. SDRplay warn that these clones may not function with the latest SDRplay software such as SDRUno, and that no technical support for the clones is provided. The SDRuno Cookbook by NN4F & KD2KOG has also accordingly be updated with information about the new features. 22 January 15, 2018 sdruno_update_1p22 SDRuno v1. I suspect this places the dynamic range of the RSP2 in the same range as the RSP1A, possibly a good bit better dynamics than the typical user is running their RSP2 in. The reason why this is perceived to be the case is that with SDRuno, when decimation is applied, something else happens as well and that is that SDRplay have just released a new short video detailing the way Squelch works in Version 1. Participant. In the video he explains the DSC (Digital Selective Launch SDRuno and click the PLAY button, remember that if the RSP(x) is in ZERO IF mode, give frequency separation try decimating the signal using SDRuno’s decimation feature. Decimation is a way to reduce the number of samples delivered to the software. SDRUno is the free SDRplay specific version of Studio1, and also supports other SDR’s like the RTL-SDR, with an artificial 1MHz bandwidth limit. Now Hayati has released a new rtl_tcp ExtIO interface. 1. What I did was, on a whim, increased the Decimation to 8. So today I set decimation to 16 which I believe would make my IQ file much smaller and it did. However, I’ve found that decimation saved in a dual or slave session will be recalled when using the saved profile from a dual or slave session. • Save decimation=8 (no other values in the drop down list) final sr= 0. 8 (2. 31 I assume that the <MAIN> Panel is the small one marked SDRuno MAIN And yes I accept that it would be logical to simply toggle the <bias tee> switch There are quite a few options/settings there: <OPT> <SCANNER> <REC PANEL>, O <SP1> <SP2> <RX> <a green square> <DECIMATION> <ADD VRX> <DEL VX> <LO LOCK> <RF in SdrUno, the program would set a narrow bandwidth for the R820T(2) tuner. 23. It's really annoying having to reset the decimation when changing the frequency from the memory In this video Mike shows the basics of SDRuno v1. 4 MSPS for the RTL-SDR ; SDRplay Releases SDRuno: Free SDR Software for the RSP ; SDRuno V1. 41 released today. SDR Options . 2 Main window The first time you run SDRuno only this window is shown. • If decimation had been set before the 10m band was selected, the decimation value would be Each SDRuno instance stores and recalls its own settings. Is it possible that SDRUno has a bug at that point? Another quirk is that for some reason, decimation saved in the main session will not be recalled when using a profile previously created with a decimation other than “1" in the main session. Best operation with Decimation settings at 4 or more. Later they also discuss the RSPduo, and the new diversity feature coming in a new version of SDRUno that is due to be released in a few SDRUno, things I noticed today and questions Wes S. Posts. 00 decimation=None (no other values in the drop down list) final sr= 6. c, handling the result. Enhanced RF pre-selection When used together with SDRplay’s own SDRuno SDR Software, the RSP1A becomes a high performance SDR platform. There have been some excellent references on the topic, may I offer a simplified, practical approach? The Final SR shown in the SDRuno Main Window is equal to the Sample rate (SR) of the A/D divided by the decimation value (DEC). Unlike their other software, SDRUno, SDRconnect is multiplatform and comes with a cleaner interface. SDRuno SDRuno Release Notes Version 1. Try it with a lower decimation value. The RTL-SDR Blog V4 recently got an ExtIO I put 50dB attenuation between the 25MHz source nad the 2nd input of RSPduo The CAL offeset was set to zero in SDRUno. Keypad buttons now not only take you to the specified band, but the sample rate and decimation are changed to enable “band framing” If you are a newcomer and it seems like SDRuno isn't running or picking up any signals, CLICK HERE to check our "quick start" guide which covers the four things that are the most likely causes of initial problems. 1 using a RSPdx SDR. I'm using latest SDR# community package, testing the decimation feature with SDRSharp. SDRUno Stuttering . -Sigma ADCs work by starting with a very highly oversampled low resolution ADC (often only 1 bit) and then use hardware decimation filtering to deliver more resolution at a lower sample rate. This implementation requires an input sample rate of 62500 samples/second, this requires the setting of the mainwidget to a samplerate of 2000000, and a decimation of 32, as shown in the picture One should realize that the SDRuno spectrum display shows a band of 62. Left click that and a dropdown should appear. For the most part it's been pretty easy to figure out basic operation and SO MUCH FUN! However, a couple of things confuse me and it is only the tip of the iceberg: In the SDR main window: When I mouse over the BW (bandwidth?) field it says "input sample rate". SDRuno also supports the RTL-SDR. My SDR-FE-Play is recognized as RSP1 and the installation was smooth. BARE MINIMUM PC - Dual Core Intel operating at 2 GHz. The goal is not to explain what every option does (for that, see the manufacturer’s documentation for the specific device), but rather allow users to find the right flags in CLI mode. SDRplay have recently released a blog post warning potential customers to be wary of the proliferation of fake and imitation SDRplay devices on various online marketplaces. • Decimation and The 192000 samplerate is provided by the SDRuno platform, further decimation and filtering is dome by the plugin itself. Sample Rate, Decimation, BW, SNR Relationship. ExtIO is the driver interface used by some Decimation – The sample rate can be decimated by either 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 to achieve better noise performance. It looks as if under SDRuno 1. I think reading a few books will help a lot. The one SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay RSP line of receivers, and the beta can be downloaded from their website (note the plugin will not work for the RTL-SDR). 2 for the group of SDRPlay receivers. All settings will be cleared and all instances of SDRuno will be shut down. The main new feature is the addition of the scheduler facility which allows users to easily schedule recordings. You will now see a FINAL SR of 0. Note that on a spectrum width a width of 2 MHz, SDRUno, the official software for the SDRplay has recently been updated to version 1. The program is described below: Why use this app? It makes it easy to slog through lots of The review then goes on to talk about the SDRuno software, sensitivity settings, and voice. This is great if for example you wish to automatically record a shortwave programs I have been working with SDRuno utilizing my K3 IF output and everything is interfaced into the DXLab logging program. Sunking Posts: 5 Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:01 am. For example, I just completed a search using the word "decimation". Recently we've seen some new plugins become public, and in one of their recent blog posts, SDRplay highlights a few new ones. 1: Now supports up to 2. SDRUno, things I noticed today and questions Wes S. Click here to view on YouTube. Hey all. 002 by NN4F & KD2KOG RSP1A SETT – Opens the settings window MA – Maximize/Minimize all, this keeps all the windows in sync when minimizing the windows OPT – Menu, Options for the input, I/Q swap, Help File and more. Videos: Click here to view on YouTube. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author. All Messages By This Member #10129 Recording audio failed for me but IQ recording works fine. Absolutely NO SDR experience, but easily got my new SDRplay up and running with SDRuno. These guidelines will help you avoid crashes. 00MHz if mode=zero if if bandwidth=600kHz sample rate(mhz)=6. 25MHz if mode=zero if if bandwidth=200kHz sample rate(mhz)=8. Re-launched SDRU and tried to set up a custom preset with: Main decimation = 1 (SR = 2000000, IFBW = 1. That stopped the audio cutting in and out. sdrplay. The rty decoder for SDRuno is - as the name suggests - a plugin for decoding rtty signals transmitted on shortwave. SDRplay writes the SDRuno 1. Decimation of Samplerate is an option for very old and slow computers: Before decimation, a very simple and fast low-quality filter (sum) is applied: y(k) = sum over x( k * (1. SDRUno is the official software of the SDRplay, but supports the RTL-SDR too, albeit Version 1. and in IF Mode select LOW-IF and put Decimation to 8 in the Decimation window: the interference will disappear. If you click the PERF button, which I see you have, that will pick the highest sample rate and use decimation to bring the final sample rate as close to the wanted visible amount of spectrum as possible. 32 release of SDRUno a diversity feature has been added. Some capacity & speed can be improved by going to ADVANCED SYSTEM SETTINGS, SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay RSP line of software defined radios, but the EXTio version also supports the RTL-SDR. • Phase and amplitude lock buttons in the Diversity panel. Yes it can be changed in Win 10 settings but that's not the point. The plugin generates an audiotone of 800 Hz First of all, set the Sample Rate to 2 MHz and the Decimation to 1 (both these settings are in the small MAIN window). 4 Application instance SDRuno can run in multiple instances using multiable RSP devices. Last week SDRplay released version 1. The first post is a tutorial on the set up and use of SDRUno. Tried a freshly-booted instance and it works ok on the AM preset. Andy. This can be First of all, change the mode to ZIF (zero IF). In the latest v1. zero IF/SR 2 Mhz/Decimation 8 2. Although designed and tailored for the SDRplay, SDRuno also supports any radio with an ExtIO interface available, such as the RTL-SDR. SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay RSP line of software defined radios, but the EXTio version also supports the RTL-SDR. The easiest way to see it is to find the "SDRuno Main" screen. R820T driver. Back in 2020 we posted about a modified ExtIO interface which exposed advanced RTL-SDR driver settings such as decimation, manual gain and tuner bandwidth and filtering controls. The official software package of the SDRplay range of products is SDRuno and it has recently been updated to version 1. As decimation increases, the bandwidth narrows. I have read that use of decimation can improve the dynamic range of SDRs. 40. Low IF/SR 8. Shortwave Pirate Radio In North America And Around The World, And Other Signals That Go Bump In The Night. Whether it would also set a low sampling rate for the ADC is another thing. "Understanding A few days ago we posted about Hayati and others' work in creating a new release of the librtlsdr drivers which implemented some new interesting features. If you use Zero IF mode and use a sample rate of 2MHz with a decimation of 8, then right click on the bottom right corner of the SP1 window and select the • If decimation had been set before the 10m band was selected, the decimation value would be wrong after the band was unset. Features. Activating decimation in FM band results in a muffled, strange sound. • If decimation had been set before the 10m band was selected, the decimation value would be Start SDRuno with maximum RF gain and only decrease if you see the yellow Overload alarm start blinking. 1 MHz and 2 MHz) whereas in ZeroIF mode you can have any sample rate between 2-10 MHz and combined with that the decimation values enable you to have much more control over the final sample rate. 00MHz I scanned thru the sdruno manual and I see references to decimation but I haven't found anything that tells me how it can make my listening better. Example: Intel Core Duo CPU T7300 @ 2 GHz. Earlier this year SDRplay updated their SDRuno software to have plugin functionality. In addition to some UI improvements for new users, the main changes are pasted below. SDRPlay Independent Community Forum › Forums › SDRUno › Decimation and dynamic range. SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay line of SDRs and is a slightly modified version of the 'Studio1' software which was previously acquired by SDRplay. Based on this experience, I would advise a dual core, 30%. The one SDR4Everyone: Getting Started with the RTL-SDR and SDRUno ; Mike’s SDRuno Tutorial Series ; SDRuno Updated to V1. I believe that the minimum sample rate of the hardware is 2M samples per second witch is huge for a software designed to use a top grade sound card limited to 192 KHz sampling but with at Definitely the Decimation and /or the SR windows disappear after a system overload. Welcome, Guest. Please note: closing the instance #0 will close all the other instances as well. 5 KHz, Have SDRuno’s Volume slider (RX Control) at about 35-40% Upper sideband is recommended but I found the best mode to use for L-Band ACARS or L-Band STD-C decoding is DIGITAL with a filter width of 3k. In their latest 'Preview 5' build the team has added various features listed below. I don't seem to notice anything different to my received signal but that might be just me. If all is well, you will now see SDRuno track with the rig as you change the rig frequency. pmendes Posts: 2 I for one do not like this new decimation setting scheme. That's set from the soundcard contrrol panel under properties. SDRuno User Manual Overview SDRuno is an advanced Software Defined Radio Application platform which is optimized for use with SDRplay's range of Radio Spectrum Processors. 41 was fully released today. Every so often if I use the band function to switch between HF ham bands, my mode changes from ZIF to LIF and I lose my bandwidth option and have only the decimation button. It makes it so I can't properly receive any NOAA images for example. The plugin operates with an input sample rate of 62500 samples/second, this requires the setting of the mainwidget to a samplerate of 2000000, and a decimation. 03. NavTex is a marine digital data radio service designed The official software package of the SDRplay range of products is SDRuno and it has recently been updated to version 1. I am using SDRUno V1. The ExtIO allows you to manually set the tuner 1) I have just demonstrated yesterday with the PC screens (as also explained in the SDRplay white paper) that you can get rid of the spurious signals by using the LOW IF setting: go to the top left of the SDRuno main, click SETT. 2 of SDRuno is now released. SDRUNO Plugins settings; In LIF mode you'll see the sample rate, set that to 2 and the decimation below it to 32. 0 MHz. SDR4Everyone: Getting Started with the RTL-SDR and SDRUno ; Mike’s SDRuno Tutorial Series ; SDRuno Updated to V1. 192 and DEC set to 4. Over on our forums user qrp has released a modified ExtIO that allows the direct sampling mode to work correctly in SDRUno. IF, MPX & Audio spectrum is getting “squeezed and shifted to the left”. These features allow users to tune filters to avoid ADC overload and to overall fine tune reception better, especially for narrowband signals. However, at the time of the post there was no GUI for actually making use of the features easily. 2 Release Notes (27th October 2017) Keypad buttons now not only take you to the specified band, but the sample rate and decimation are changed to enable “band framing” – allowing you to see all of the band within the display. Any ideas or is this normal Interestingly, once this occurs it persists even if SDRUno is closed and re-opened. mySdrPlayback is a program for MacOS that allows you to easily browse through IQ recordings created from multiple SDR programs. SDRconnect is a relatively new official software platform for the SDRplay line of devices. 4 is available to download from This happens even with decimation set to The advantage of doing decimation in stages is that the first few stages can be "sloppy" - you need a few terms with a slow roll off. sdrpl I put 50dB attenuation between the 25MHz source nad the 2nd input of RSPduo The CAL offeset was set to zero in SDRUno. 35 MHz displayed. Over on his blog K4FMH SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay RSP software defined radio. I must have selected a feature that does not allow decimation. Then selected the AIRBAND preset and SDRUno crashed. 33 . Akos from the RTLSDR4Everyone blog has recently released two new posts. You can adjust the sample rate and decimation to better fit the IF output port bandwidth. Additional resources. The VFO is a frequency that you can tune to within SDRuno WITHIN the available spectrum as defined above. This aims at covering all available SDR Settings for supported devices / sources. Recently they’ve released version 1. 00 decimation=None (no other values in the drop down list) final sr= 8. • If decimation had been set before the 10m band was selected, the decimation value would be wrong after the band was unset. READ THIS FIRST installing the plugin. Diversity reception was demo'd back Also, you need to adjust your spectrum scope to show a reasonable amount of signal -- the RSPdx has about 70db (14 bits with decimation) of viable dynamic range. Virtual audio cable used. 22 Improved UI. Greetings, I rarely operate SDRuno with a Sample Rate greater than 2. In addition they’ve also now increased the previous 0. The 48,000 is referring to the sample rate of the soundcard in the PC. 5 MHz and direct sampling is automatically disabled when tuned to Further decimation can still be achieved within software like SDRuno. In the video Tech Minds shows how to set up SDRuno to work on his active ADS-B antenna by activating the bias tee, and how to load and activate the ADS-B plugin. If you open up the advanced tuner settings panel (ADV) from the main panel, (it must be lower than). My first observation is that the smallest VFO tuning step is 1 Hz, Here, the offset is roughly in inverse proportion to decimation. Keypad buttons now not only take you to the specified band, but the sample rate and decimation are changed to enable “band framing” This SDR stuff is totally new to me so I'm learning as I go. Your spectrum display is showing about ~110db worth of signal. These are my personal observations, perhaps described inappropriately, and may not work for you. SR – Sample Rate for Sound Card Input when not using RSP or ExtIO radio REC PANEL - This brings up the record panel I like SDRuno for its DSP processing and decimation. In this update to the manual, we SDRuno comes with a full manual (pdf) and SDRplay fans and beta testers of SDRuno have also released a free SDRuno cookbook guide (pdf). To avoid any issues with these things in first place, just use Low IF mode with 8. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. (MAIN panel, DEC). SDRuno v1. - go to the "programs" list You should be able to enable a decimation factor of 16 with an 8 MHz sample rate if you have first set the IF bandwidth to 300 kHz or less. The FFT handling is modified, rather than the FFTW3 library, a choice was made to use the KISS library, the reason being that the sources could be included, preventing potential users to oblige installing yet Over on our forums user qrp has released a modified ExtIO that allows the direct sampling mode to work correctly in SDRUno. The interface exposes the ability to manually adjust the filtering • Auto-start the IQ stream on SDRuno start-up (enable in the OPT menu). Same results if I swap the antenna. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. The centre of the SDRuno spectrum display will always be the rig VFO frequency. I am also able to run dual tuners in SDRuno, The SDRplay is a $149 USD RX only software defined radio with a 12-bit ADC and up to 8 MHz of bandwidth that can tune from 10 kHz - 2 GHz. Note that on a 2 MHz wide spectrum, it is pretty hard to detect small signals, like the navtex one, so use the zooming facility on the main spectrum window to show a smaller spectrum. DEC – Decimation, only values allowed can be selected<br /> PLAY – Starts the radio<br /> MEM PAN - Opens up the Memory Panel<br /> IF GAIN Reduction - this slider can be moved if AGC is turned OFF<br /> IFBW - RTL-SDR experimenter Hayati Ayguen (hayguen on GitHub) has released a version of rtl_tcp and an ExtIO module that allows access to normally hidden tuner settings. • Decimation and the LOLOCK state are now correctly SDRuno is the official software for the SDRplay RSP line of receivers, and the beta can be downloaded from their website (note the plugin will not work for the RTL-SDR). • SDRuno could crash on start-up if the memory bank referenced to be open was empty. My SECOND question is why that behaviour occurs? I scanned thru the sdruno manual and I see references to decimation but I haven't found anything that tells me how it can make my listening better. Changing the decimation always restores normal operation. Over on YouTube TechMinds has uploaded a new video explaining NavTex and showing how to decode it with an HF capable SDR like the SDRplay RSPDx. Part of it will be done by the half band lters in SDRuno, the resulting decimation is dome in the plugin implementation. Further filtering and decimation is dome by the plufgin. Anyway, this means that you do not have to select an inputrate and a decimation factor. At the bottom of that list, Left click on "User Manual" and the SDRuno user manual will open. I'm having problems as well in trying to scan anything in the FM/VHF band. SDRplay family is 2000000, a lot of decimation has to be done. You should see these roughly central in the panel. html, Mr. The weatherfax signal has a width of less than 1 KHz, since the minimum width of the samplerate from SDR devices is 2 Decimation on its own does not reduce the susceptibility to intermodulation. I liked it as in the last revision where it stays at the level you set it. If you’re using LIF which starts at 1. decimation) ) ; x() = input samples from rtl_tcp; y() = output samples to SDR app (HDSDR) The sum produces values requiring more than 8 bit. V1. It's defining feature is that it has two receivers in one radio, which should allow for interesting phase coherent applications such as diversity. . This allows third party programmers to implement their own decoders and software which interfaces with SDRuno directly. When working with a weak satellite signasls, try decimating the signal using SDRuno’s decimation feature. 2 has been released. Recently the software's author (@ChrisSmolinski) Tweeted that he's added support for SDR# and SDRUno IQ recordings. This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated by . Please >Also, increasing the Decimation can improve reception. From the MAIN panel. 2. 4 MSPS for the RTL-SDR ; SDRplay Releases SDRuno: Free SDR Software for the RSP ; Manual gain controls and decimation driver; ExtIO with Decimation & Tuner Bandwidth Controls; Keenerds Driver; L-Band Heat Issue Driver; Signal ID Wiki; Forum; RTL-SDR Store; Guide Book; Contact; SDRuno Updated to Version 1. Discussions about everything to do with SDRuno. The commonly found RTL-SDR ExtIO however doesn't These are the particulars for SDRuno here; 32 decimation, low IF mode, IF Bandwidth of 200KHz, IF agc off and set to 55Db, final sample rate of 62500. The SDRplay is a $149 USD RX only software defined radio with a 12-bit ADC and up to 8 MHz of bandwidth that can tune from 10 kHz - 2 GHz. Probably the ADC sampling rate is fixed and decimation is done in the hardware, drive routine or SDR software invisible to the end user. With a spurious mixing product, if you change the LO frequency in SDRuno, the apparent frequency of the spurious mixing product will also change. 536 MHz bandwidth, increasing decimation reduces the bandwidth down to 200 KHz There are several tricks to decimation - you need to make sure you don't overlap or cutoff information you want. As a direct consequence, the data flow sent to the PC is In SDRUno, sample rate and decimation are individually configurable. Though operation with an older RSP is not recommended, I've observed that using SDRUno 1. I have no idea why it stopped the issue. While useful to get an impression on a while band, less useful for looking at signals with a small footprint. The main window is the control centre of a SDRuno instance. I don't even know what is Decimation, but it cured the problem. ADC resolution increased to 14-bit native for sample rates below 6 MHz, increasing to 16 bits with decimation; SDRuno is much less cumbersome to use than it used to be, and the default window arrangement is pleasing (though I’d still like SDRuno windows to lock and act as one window as I flip through programs on my Win 10 PC). A higher bit ADC can improve dynamic range, meaning that strong signals are less likely to overload the SDR. It is advised to decimate, say 8 times, giving a scopewidth of 250000 and then use the zoom facility of the spectrum scope to mke the details of the signal visible. This means that the specific features of a particular SDRplay RSP receiver model are enabled automatically within SDRuno. The displayed frequency span is determined by the final sample rate used by SDRuno. The first is by Mile Kokotov and he compares the reception on a very weak broadcast FM station, with several strong signals surrounding it. Virtual audio cable used RSP1a is always much worse. I see that it narrows the bandwidth and I think there is a bug in the software when I go to 32 bit decimation it actually changes the frequency I'm listening to although the dial stays the same. The default width of the spectrum scope is 2 MHz. I was playing around with decimation At this years Hamvention Chris Howard from ICQ Amateur interviewed Andy at the SDRplay booth. Post by rskunath » Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:21 pm Curious, (SDRuno and the API are only licensed for use with genuine SDRplay hardware and should not be used with fake or clones of SDRplay hardware/) Release Notes: Release notes for all versions of SDRuno can be found by clicking here Known Issues: • SP2 CWAFC drift issue (Zoom/window size/freq display) Decimation appears 3 times in the User manual but doesn't say what it is used for. We list here some of The "fax" plugin for SDRuno is a plugin for decoding weatherfax signals transmitted on shortwave READ THIS FIRST installing the plugin The weatherfax signal has a width of less than 1 KHz, since the minimum width of the samplerate from SDR devices is 2 I’ve been looking into using SDRuno to measure small carrier offsets of MW signals. Hi guys have a small problem with sdruno using my rsp1a. Click the OPT button and select Reset to Default Settings from the drop-down menu. The only way that SDRUno would prevent me was when I had decimation set to a value greater than 8 - this was in LO-IF mode. The "fax" plugin for SDRuno is a plugin for decoding weatherfax signals transmitted on shortwave. 536 MHz bandwidth, increasing decimation reduces the bandwidth down to 200 KHz depending upon the degree of decimation (32). A nice novelty is the decimation increase to 32 and DAB plugins. My RSP 1 was connected to the "high" Sky Loop antenna which was recently the reference antenna for the QRM X-Phase Elimnator, but I will write about it in a separate post. 22. Resetting SDRuno can’t be undone. Another way to find information is to do a search on the forum. 42 build 1710 (10th May 2024) Note: This is an intermediate build and not the last release of 1. rskunath Posts: 16 Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:55 pm. nl/ute-info. 2 Zoom buttons main waterfall. Is there a reset to default that I should try? More All Messages By This Member Barry Baines #2001 Question: On Nov 14, 2020, at 7:03 PM I’m not scanning but have both sessions of SDRuno running, Currently the SDRuno zoom is affected by the window size. 536 MHz. Not quite sure what you mean by "set a narrow bandwidth". In the interview they discuss various new features and improvements to SDRuno, the official software for SDRplay devices. The group To avoid any issues with these things in first place, just use Low IF mode with 8. One of the main drawbacks of the RSP has been that it For what it's worth, it looks like an architectural change to the software has resulted in that. I sometimes run SDRUno on a rather elderly laptop that is not really up to the job and I find that increasing the decimation is the only way to avoid breaks in processing. Gain has uploaded his latest review of the SDRplay RSP2 I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, changed a default, inconsistent with decimation etc but I can't figure it out. Click here In any case keep Bandwith as small as possible and Decimation as high as possible and use just the main VRX. as fixed values in LIF mode) Low = 146500000 of decimation has to be done. 42 • Decimation and the LOLOCK state are now correctly saved and recalled within a profile. Please do not forget to let us have the results of your tests: this would be very Version 1. 192/Decimation 4 Which confirm the result that you advised - The signal to noise ratio (SNR) needed for successful decoding in these decoders will need to be greater than 7dB. SDRuno is the official software for SDRplay RSP devices, however, they provide an ExtIO interface which allows it to be used with an SDR that has an ExtIO driver. The one In a recent YouTube video Tech Minds shows how to decode GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) messages which are broadcast on MW and HF. Over on the Utility DXers file section at udxf. Is it possible that SDRUno has a bug at that point? When using SDRuno CAL function to calibrate the TCXO to a reference frequency, it seems that there are large discrepancies depending on what sample rate and decimation I choose For example, tuning with a sample rate of 2 MHz and decimation of 4 gave me a final CAL adjustment of -0. Your final stage will need more taps so the cut off is sharper. I don't know why I did soI just thought I would give it a try. The final sample rate must be equal or greater than the IF bandwidth selected. I DO see a lowering of the noise floor when I select a narrow bandwidth by decimating a large sample rate Decimation reduces the bandwidth that the SDR is covering. Cloudmarkers is a plugin that allows users to query the online Cloudmarkers database to determine what an unknown signal at the currently tuned frequency might be. Decimation was set to 32. SDRuno is a spin-off of the (recently acquired by SDRplay) Studio1 software. See our previous post for a review comparing the Airspy and RSP. To make them reappear quickly, - Turn SDRuno off. MTG. My assumption: The signal should match exatctly the 25MHz and the signal should also be stable with no shift. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. SDRUno is SDRplay's official software for their RSP line of software defined radios, but SDRUno can also work with ExtIO input dlls which allow other SDRs like the RTL-SDR to be used. Setpoint (dBfs) – Sets the target level power at which AGC routine will attempt adjust the power on the ADC input. • Start SDRuno with just a wav file. My frequency is about 1-2 Hz off. The previous versions asked you to tell SDRuno to use 2 MHz as inputrate and 32 as decimation factir. B. 23 with such an older device reduces the load on the system quite markedly. Now select an RSP SR (ADC sample rate) of 2. dkmqs nishmoh rejl sclnc fdxvcq jknc dcfai eikgip oezmdz xfzs